Who’s Controlling Search Engines and Why?

Europe and the U.S. continue to drift further apart on Google. Even as European parliamentarians and regulators seek ways to restrain Google’s discretion over search results, U.S. courts continue to affirm Google’s right to do whatever it wants with search results — paid and organic.

Why? Because Google wants your money!

They make money from every click, not just pay-per-click (PPC) but also from their display network. With over two million Display Network sites, reaching over 92% of Internet users, Google wants to make the search experience a good one.

They are going to earn money, either by increasing search market share or selling more advertising.

What can we do to rank a web without paid advertisement?

So when Google begs you to follow their SEO guidelines, they want us to keep using them.

With that in mind, here are a few SEO tactics that will help you.

Building a friendly website means that you have to make it easy to understand for humans but also for search engines algorithms, all this means the code should be clean and free from technical errors. It also means free from spelling and grammatical errors. Remember, the quality of your content is being evaluated too.

Your title tag is the most important on-page factor. It’s the first thing users see when performing a search. A well-worded title tag can often entice a user to click on a higher-ranking page. So, make sure your title is appealing to visitors, so they click through your listing in search results.

Pictures should have Alt=text, in other words, give a name to the pictures, the best practice is to use the same title of the page on the picture, also remember to optimise the picture, speed is also a key part of optimising a webpage.

Search Engines

The search engine is a business and they survive and earn money as long as we use them. Google, Bing or Yahoo wants you.

There’s still a big decision to make – whether to use SEO (Search Engine Optimisation, ranking high in the organic results) or PPC (Pay-Per-Click ads, the Sponsored Links and purchased ads on a Google search) to get in front of your target. Both can get you on the front page of the search engines for targeted terms and in front of your desired audience. However, each has its respective benefits and costs.

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